Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How code works .net frame work

.NET frame work consists of CommonLanguageRuntime(CLR) and .net class libraries. .net supports multiple language. After compilation of any .net code a unmanaged code called Microsoft Intermidiate Language code (MSIL) or IL code is generated. This code is common for all the .net languages under CLR. so if we are familiar with any one .net language, we can simply migrate to any other .net language.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

screen grab

If you are using Mozilla Firefox, you no need to search for software to grab the web-page. The add-on called  SCREEN GRAB is provided by Mozilla , it grabs images saves full or part of it in image format and many more. For further info & to download click here..!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Download IE 9 beta

IE9 beta is released and available do download. With IE9 Microsoft has focused on extending the browser's compatibility with modern Web technologies such as HTML 5 and css3. Download IE9 beta from  http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/default.aspx.